World Resources Forum 2019: putting the circular economy into practice

Materials management as a solution to meeting the climate agenda

Alternating annually between Switzerland and other destinations, the upcoming World Resource Forum conference is set to take place from Sunday 24 to Wednesday 27 February 2019 in Antwerp, Belgium.  Boasting a world class line up of speakers, the event will see some 1,000 scientists, policy makers, experts and companies from around the world descending onto the city to disseminate the latest in circular economy as part of a larger global climate agenda. Co-organisers the Public Waste Agency of Flanders (OVAM) and the World Resources Forum (WRF) will focus on closing resource loops and putting the circular economy into practice as a lever to achieving the Agenda 2030 commitments.  Registrations for this worldwide thought leadership event are now open.

With the development of a low carbon economy high on the global agenda, the circular economy remains largely underappreciated as a solution towards lowering CO₂ emissions.  With a view to the post-2020 era, WRF2019 takes stock of solutions and practices undertaken to move from a linear and fossil to a circular and low carbon economy.  Where are the opportunities, what works, what does not, and why?

Antwerp: uniquely placed

The WRF chose OVAM as its partner for the 2019 conference because of its rich expertise and the links it has established between materials management, the circular economy and the climate issue.  Antwerp, as Europe's second largest port city, has proven itself to be fertile ground for the development of a successful circular economy that delivers jobs as well as environmental wins. 

"Antwerp is uniquely placed at the heart of a united Europe," says Bas de Leeuw, Managing Director of WRF. "It is a highly internationalised city that boasts virtual and physical connections to every corner of the globe. The sheer amount of raw materials that passes through its port on a daily basis is immense, giving Antwerp a pivotal position in the global marketplace."

Thanks to a unique collaboration with - and the support of - governments, local authorities, companies, knowledge institutes and civil society, the region has become a shining example of sustainable waste management in the push to lower emissions whilst meeting the demand for materials in a growing economy.

"We are proud to be frontrunners on the road towards developing a fully circular economy," says Jan Verheyen, spokesman for OVAM, "and look forward to throwing our doors and windows wide open to the world, as we seek to inspire and become inspired by innovative thinkers and processes from around the world." 

Programme Highlights

Thematic ‘Global Sessions’, with inspiring voices from leading experts such as Flemish minister for the Environment Joke Schauvliege, Dr. Saskia Sassen, Nobel Prize winner Dr. Rattan Lal, European Environment Agency director Hans Bruyninckx, former EU-commisioner Janez Potocnik, and many more will set the scene on key issues such as Digital Technology as Driver for Change and Upscaling Sustainable Lifestyles: turning thought into action. Interactive workshops allow stakeholders and attendees to dive deeper into selected topics. Networking events and site visits are an integral part of the programme that will be finalised over the coming weeks.  More information:



The spokespeople of OVAM and WRF and the conference speakers welcome press interviews both in the lead up to and during the event.  You can request interviews in person, by telephone or by video conference.  To book your slot, please contact   

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About OVAM

The Public Waste Agency of Flanders (OVAM) is the principal authority in the Belgian region of Flanders for sustainable management of waste, materials and soils. Together with citizens, companies and fellow governments OVAM has turned Flanders into a leading region when it comes to the sustainable management of waste, materials and soils in the last several decades. To maintain this leading position, OVAM is now moving up a gear, by expanding the circular economy in Flanders, in which a sustainable management of waste, materials and soil provides new resources, materials and space.


World Resources Forum (WRF) is the Swiss-based independent non-profit international organization that serves as a platform connecting and fostering knowledge exchange on resources management amongst business leaders, policy-makers, NGOs, scientists and the public. WRF organizes high-level international conferences and capacity-building workshops, disseminates relevant research findings and scientific discussions, works on setting standards for sustainable resource use, improving global governance on raw materials, and implements programs on sustainable recycling and sustainable design and retail trade worldwide.


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